Frequently Asked Questions

Gorilla trekking, Frequently Asked Questions.

Which Country should I choose to go gorilla trekking?

The estimated number of mountain gorillas in the forested highland area is 880. They are shared by Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Its only Uganda and Rwanda, where you can find the Habituated families.

In conclusion, Uganda has most of the groups you can visit.

Is it physically hard to do gorilla trekking?

The ease of seeing the gorillas depends on the movements of the gorilla family on that particular day. For Uganda, some say that the Rushegura group in Buhoma is easy to spot, but we cannot guarantee this. The time it takes to find the gorillas can be anywhere from 45 minutes to 8 hours.

If you have a low level of fitness which limits you from walking long distances in rugged terrain, we advise that you consider tracking in Rwanda where the rangers will assign you to an easier or more difficult tracking according to your fitness level. The gorilla permits in Rwanda $ 1500, however, are more expensive.

What should l wear during the gorilla trekking,

We advise you to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirt made of light-weight material. You’ll want to tuck the cuffs of your pants into tall socks to prevent safari ants from entering. It is also wise to wear a hat to prevent ticks from getting in your hair. Bring a rain jacket and rain pants in your daypack, as well as an extra t-shirt and a sweater for when the tracking gets long and the forest gets cooler. Make sure you have good hiking shoes and don’t worry about the weight of your backpack: porters are available for a US$ 20 fee which helps families from the communities around the park

 How should l apply for a Visa in advance?

Most citizens of different countries can get a Uganda visas at the point of entry at US$50, – pp. You need only to present your yellow fever vaccination card and a valid passport.

But for Rwanda has to be organized in advance (except for nationals of USA, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, and other East African countries)

How safe is it to travel in Uganda?

Uganda is the safest country to travel in. Ugandans are considered among the friendliest and most welcoming people on planet earth.

Kampala is known to be one of the safest capital cities in Africa, but you should use common sense when traveling in any big city. Be responsible and cautious during your tour and use taxis when you are going out at night and always keep a close watch over your belongings.

What chance do I have of seeing the gorillas?

Chances of seeing the gorilla are over 95%. If you are in the very unlikely situation not to have seen them, you will be given the choice of either a 50% refund of the cost of your gorilla permit or another chance to spot them the next day (when permits are available). Please note that it is the national wildlife authority that issues the refund. Your driver/guide will be happy to assist you in the procedure.

Can standard tours on the website customized? That is to say, can I add or cancel day(s) before, after, or in between one of the?

Yes, you can. As you are booking a standard tour, just inform us about you additional wishes in the content space.

Can credit card be accepted during my tour?

Yes. However, Credit cards are not widely accepted in Uganda, or Rwanda. Only at major hotels, up-market lodges, and a few shops can they be used.

 How should l exchange currency?

Different currency notes can be exchanged at many Forex exchange bureaus around capital cities. In up-country cities, the exchange rate is less advantageous and it becomes difficult to exchange Pounds and Euros. Dollars are the most used currencies, but bear in mind that US dollars given out before 2006 is not accepted and denominations below 100 are exchanged at a lower rate.

What is the best time of year to visit the region?

Uganda/Rwanda Gorilla Seasons

Time Month
Best time to go June to August and December to February (All parks)
High season June to September (It’s rarely crowded, but you’ll need to book your gorilla permits long in advance)
Low season March, April, May, October, November (Some lodges and camps in high rainfall areas close down; roads and forest trails can be in poor condition)
Best weather June-July and January-February (Little rainfall)
Worst weather March, April and May (Peak of wet season)

Which items should l come along with on my tour?

Always bring a bag or suitcase made of soft material rather than those ones with hard materials. The following important items should be bought along with you;

  • Binoculars, Hiking boots for gorilla tracking or other hiking activities, Money belt and a separate day wallet, Multi plug, to be sure you can charge all your items
  • Sunglasses, Clothes for both warm and cool weather, Camera, Chargers for camera, phone, tablet, Clothes with long sleeves, Rain jacket, Small backpack,
  • First aid kit, Mosquito repellent, Sun block, Hat, Passport, Vaccination records

Hiking Requirements

You are usually recommended to carry the necessary equipment they will need on the hike like strong hiking shoes, raincoats or ponchos since sometimes rainfall is unpredictable, strong jackets and sweaters among others.

Where is a stretch of 200 km where you mention it takes 6 hours driving? How is this possible?

Road conditions in Uganda are extremely poor and after a rain shower the dirt roads become difficult to pass. All of our vehicles have 4-wheel-drive and our drivers are experienced in handling the difficult road conditions, but speeds are necessarily low to make sure that you are safe and the car does not break down.

I have diet restrictions. Is this a problem during my tour in Uganda?

It’s not a problem at all, since nearly everything grows in Uganda’s fertile soils and you don’t need to depend on pasta and wheat bread, etc.  Please tell us in advance of your dietary restrictions and we will be happy to make appropriate arrangements.

 What kind of eats do you provide to vegetarian during the tour?

Uganda generally is quite fertile and has the most fresh vegetables. Also, beans, peanuts, sesame and eggs can provide alternative sources of protein for vegetarians.

For those who enjoy fish, the lakes and rivers of the region are replete with Tilapia and Nile Perch. It would be helpful if you could let us know it in advance so we can make preparations with the restaurants and lodges on your itinerary.